Evil Dead Regeneration (125MB)

Based on Sam Raimi's classically campy series of horror films that began with 1983's The Evil Dead, this action game follows the continuing, cursed adventures of Ashley J. "Ash" Williams.

Ash was recently sentenced to the Sunny Meadows Institute for the Criminally Insane, after being falsely convicted of murdering his camping companions. When Ash's psychiatrist begins tampering with the Necronomicon -- an evil book of ancient magic that has been the recurring source of Ash's supernatural troubles -- all hell breaks loose (quite literally).

Because of the events of Evil Dead 1 & 2 Ashley J. Williams is believed to be criminally insane and is locked away in an asylum. During a visit from his lawyer, Sally, she confesses that she has found Professor Knowby's diary and believes Ash's story about what took place in the cabin. Dr. Reinhard (Ash's doctor) is in the possession of the Nercronomicon. As Sally leaves, Reinhard unleashes the Army of Darkness. The "deadites" break Ash out of confinement. Ash eventually finds his

boomstick, chainsaw, and clothes (killing many deadites in the process). Before Ash can leave the asylum, he is confronted by Professor Knowby's ghost. After telling Ash Reinhard's plans, Ash decides to leave. It isn't until Knowby tells Ash that Sally is in great danger because of her possession of Knowby's diary, that Ash decides to save Sally which would also stop Reinhard's plans. In order to stop Reinhard, Ash must close several deadite portals. To do this Ash needs the help of Sam.

Sam is a half deadite. He can respawn if he is killed and he knows how to close the portals. Initially Ash doesn't like Sam (the first thing Ash does is kill Sam). Eventually Ash and Sam reach the first portal, which is guarded by a deadite queen. Ash kills the queen and Sam closes the portal. While traveling through the woods Ash finds a harpoon gun. He modifies it and attaches it to his arm. Once again Ash and Sam find another deadite portal. This time they must kill a possessed miner before they can close it. Knoby shows up once again. This time he tells Ash that Reinhard will need a human sacrifice and that he got Knowby's diary.

System Requirements: 
CPU: Pentium IV 
CPU 1.4 GHz
RAM: 512 MB
Video Memory: 64 MB 
OS: Windows XP



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